Friday, August 28, 2009

16th :)

Hello people.

Time passes so quickly and it's 28 August 2009 today. I'm finally sixteen. I know people should do something special on their birthdays right? But I don't
have any special plan. So far, what I did was woke up at 7 something in the morning and got out from bed at 8 something. I replied those people who wished me early morning and watched Pirates of Caribbean 2 until mom asked to watch Astro.

After lunch, I switched on pc and now I'm here - thank
ing people in the facebook :) From there, I'm going to copy, edit and paste them onto somewhere then u pload here while waiting for time to pass. Well, my plan for my special 16th today is GOING TO AIRPORT LATER EVENING. You may ask why. It's because to send Sharon, Jocelyn, Hui Yi, Olivia, Annabelle and whoever going to UK. Good luck to them. Wish them all the best :)

People who greeted me in facebook before 28 08 2009.
Plus people who greeted in school super advance which is since thursday [the surprise party]

Of course, I'm going to thank people who greet me today too :)
It doesn't matter you're first to greet or last to greet. This isn't a race. As long as you greet me, I'm super glad and I sincrerely thank you :D

For those people who greet me in facebook, by texting, by MSN and etc. I'd list out the names later at the end of today. Hopefully I remember who you people are :P HAHAHA!


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