Saturday, December 20, 2008


Finally I have watched the movie, Twilight. It's 1 week 2 days and the cinema is still full. It's not cinema 2, 3, 4 but cinema 1. Cool right? The movie is not bad. Just a bit confusing because some parts aren't taken, some parts are modified - if you get what I mean, to who has read the book.

The story how I end up being a Twilight freak is some of my f
riends (girls) especially my classmates, Muna and Fifah, have been reading about it. Actually it's Muna's job, I remember it was after her birthday, she got Twilight book as her birthday present. I saw the book lying on her table and asked if she can borrow me after she reads but Fifah got the book so I borrow fifah's and muna borrowed nisah. It is a good book. Cousin just told me he bought it. I'm going to borrow it and read it again :)

Alright, I have to go now.

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