Friday, July 11, 2008



Erm. I'm kinda in a tired or down mood. I don't know why. The thought of going to school tomorrow makes me feel sick every day. It really is so hard to have those happy feeling like "yay, tomorrow there's school" back. So bored. Bored. Bored.

Is it fun to be a kid or an adult? Is it nicer to be a normal person or those entertainer/superstar?

You tell me.
I've a thought now which is I want to have a good job and earn a lot of money and give some of the money to my parent. The left ones, I want to spend them on travelling around the world. Oh yes, my biggest dreams are 1) get good job and earn a lot of money 2) travel around the world. Maybe because of (1), my ambition is to be a doctor or maybe I should be the host of the "travelling around the world" tv show. HAHA.

Gosh. I can't believe I'm being so down these days.
I feel tired. I sound tired. I LOOK tired. Can you believe it?
School is really driving me crazy, not because of exams. It's because of something else too.

Now I sound like an idiot too.
Okay. Bye.

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