Friday, February 29, 2008

Vantage Point

When I arrived The Mall, there was this Prado or Pajero car reversing. Behind the car, there was this Stop sign. He/She reversed and knocked the Stop sign. My dad's car was behind his/her left side. He/She almost hit my dad's car too. OMG! Crazy. My dad honked and the driver drove to the front. Oh thank you to the driver and please if you can't see, don't drive such a big car la!

So, I was the first to arrive then came Si Yan. She asked,"What movie are we going to watch?" I replied,"I don't know." So we went up to the cinema and checked the movie schedule. Seems like only Jumper and Vantage Point are the choices for us. So we waited for Hannah and Doreen. Doreen called and Si Yan said,"We're at the top floor. Come find us now." So, the both of us waited for the girls to come up quite long. Suddenly, Jenny came with them too. I was quite surprised because I didn't hear Si Yan said that Jenny is coming too and when I saw Jenny, I can't recognised her as in forget her name. THE REASON: because I always see her in school, we all wear tudong. That's why suddenly see her without tudong can't remember. So please don't say me mean for forgetting her name, good? HAHA.

So, we five decided to watch Vantage Point since Hannah has watched Jumper. Hannah said,"I haven't eaten." So, Doreen accompanied her to Jolibee while the rest of us went to buy tickets. Si Yan belanja us all watch. WEE! Thanks Si Yan. :D After buying, we went to find Hannah and Doreen. Hannah kept asking us to buy ice cream so that we all were eating. Tsktsk. After eating/drinking, chatting and laughing, we walked around then went into the cinema.

The movie was cool, okay and quite annoying because keep repeating. Yeah, that's what the movie is about right? "The eight points of view". After movie, we actually wanted to go KFC. Si Yan and I were looking at the menu already then Hannah went like,"Go Pizza Hut!" HAHA. KNS. High-class girl. We lanja Si Yan there. :D What else? After eat, restroom then best eastern. Yes, we spent quite a long time in there till we went home. We, nerd-ies/nerdy(s) bah! Hannah bought the book because of the beautiful cover. I said,"Oh, so if the story inside not nice, you also buy right?" Hannah answered,"No lah. You see the book so thick, sure very nice one." Kek si. I told Si Yan,"If you wanna be author, write thick book sure Hannah will buy or next time if you open a book shop, make sure all beautiful covers/thick book, sure Hannah will buy all." Really kek si eh. :P HAHA.

Today was my first time hanging out with those cha bos. :P
Once again, 1) Thanks Si Yan for inviting. 2) Thanks Si Yan for lanja-ing tickets. :P

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